Week 11

I'm extremely happy with myself and that doesn't happen very often, but this time it did. There are just more than 10 kilos somewhere behind me, they are gone, gone.

And I ask myself, "Did I suffer pain? "Did I suffer from hunger? "Did I have to do extremely strenuous exercises? "No - no - and again no!" Wonderfully true.

I just proved that it can be done. Gradual and controlled weight loss is possible! I did it, and so can you, the reader of this story. Just do it my way. Don't rush it!

With courage and being true to yourself, you will get there. I am happy and satisfied, but not finished yet. I want and need to get another three and a half pounds off, off, off and off forever.

I mentioned earlier that I am no longer the youngest, but the spirit is still there! There is not one second where I thought: "I don't need all this anymore." And "Where's the burger or the pizza?"

I hope that those who read this will be inspired and motivated by this story. That's why I'm telling it. Because I have been frightened by recent news broadcasts where obesity has been mentioned as a major problem, a public health hazard.

People see it in me, I get compliments, and I begrudge everyone. If you think, "It's all bullshit what this Liohk.online is saying here," that's your right, but read this story carefully and think about it.

There are few people who are proud and happy in their hearts because they have superiority. In my opinion, no one wants that, everyone wants to be slim and healthy and grow old, right!

Even if you only think about it, I have already achieved my goal with this report.
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What a party! My weight is 80.3 kg. End of this week and I know how it came; I will tell you next week!