My Journey from Impending Obesity to Health:

How I Lost 15kg Within Four Months

As I look back on my journey from obesity to health, I realize how much my life has changed in less than four months. Four months ago, I weighed over 200 pounds and struggled with excess fat around my waist and a closet full of clothes that hadn't fit in a long time. But today, I am 15 pounds lighter, with a slimmer body and clothes that fit better than they have in a long time.

It all started with one decision: I was done with my life of sweets and cookies and decided to change and improve my health. I was tired of struggling with my weight and the negative impact it was having on my self-confidence and overall well-being. So I decided to take action and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

The first step was to change my diet. I started by reducing my calorie intake and making healthier food choices. I stopped eating processed foods and all kinds of snacks and instead chose whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. I also started drinking more water and stopped consuming calories from beverages.

I also increased my exercise. I began walking, biking, and swimming regularly, and gradually added more intense workouts such as strength training and cardio. This combination of diet and exercise helped me burn fat and build strength, making my body stronger, leaner and more flexible, and greatly improving my overall well-being.

I am no longer young, I often felt sluggish and listless, I was relegating myself to a stiff, lazy old man and that had to stop!

As the weeks passed, I began to see and feel changes - not just on the scale, but in my body and mind. My clothes began to feel looser; I noticed I had more energy, and I felt more confident. But the most exciting moment came when I was able to put on one of my favorite jeans that had been in the closet for years because it no longer fit. It felt like a victory and motivated me to continue with my new healthy lifestyle.

Now, almost four months later, I weigh 77 pounds and feel better than ever. My journey from impending obesity to health has not always been easy, but it has been worth every effort. I have learned that with determination, commitment and the right support, anything is possible. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me, especially in terms of my health and well-being.

And you know, the beauty of it all, in my experience, is that anyone can achieve it. So much of your craving for food and drink, especially the delicious craving, is in your head, between your ears, not really in your belly! But our belly benefits from it, but not in a positive way.

I'll let you read the account of my journey from unhealthy to healthy. From 12 "Kletsmajoors" from the supermarket a day and a few ounces of young cheese and fresh baguette with thick butter and strawberry jam to healthy, tasty, easy-to-prepare recipes in reasonable portions. And I achieved this goal without miracle drugs, without pills and the like. All you need is two things: perseverance and determination!

I'm going to show how anyone can do it. If there's a will, there's a way!