Week 8
You don't really notice that you weigh a kilogram less than you did a week ago, because what's a kilogram? I notice it mostly in my clothes. Partly because of the exercises I do, I notice that my waistline has shrunk considerably.
Almost every morning I went for my brisk walk, twice in the evening because the weather was nice, I went for another one hour walk while also doing a lot of fitness exercises which can now be seen on my YouTube site "Fitness for Seniors by a Senior".
My jeans are getting too big! But not to worry, I still have a pair from the good old days when I was less than 92 kg, far from it. They're still a little too tight, but being the optimist that I am, I'm going to try them on anyway....
Better wait a while, but they are ready!
Here is one of my cooking favorites:
When I stepped on the scale after this meal last Saturday morning, I saw 83.4 kg.
This keeps my courage up, I'm getting more and more motivated and don't know when to stop. I don't smoke, I did once a long time ago, but I don't remember smoking since 1970.
I have not consumed alcohol since 1990, except for the occasional glass of Asti (Italian sparkling wine 4%) and nothing else.
Since I started this race to lose weight, I stay away from anything I suspect contains sugar, limit my fat intake as much as possible, eat no bread and very rarely potatoes and pasta like noodles or spaghetti.
In the supermarket these days, I scrutinize the labels of products I am not yet familiar with.
-Quit refined sugars
-Eat more protein (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, legumes, vegetables such as broccoli and spinach.)
-Eat healthy fats (Omega 3 fats such as nuts, seeds, fatty fish, seafood)
-Eat high fiber (oatmeal, beans, lentils, chickpeas, apples)
-Exercise: getting plenty of exercise will help you experience less hunger pangs
-Sleep enough (7-8 hours, go to bed earlier, do not watch TV, laptop/tablet/pc an hour before you go to sleep --and also turn off smartphone) so that you go to bed relaxed
-Eat pure food, avoid processed products